ADVANTAGE » Athletics For All

Athletics For All

The Adelson Advantage: Athletics for All

The heart of athletics here at Adelson is character development and healthy competition. While we celebrate the accomplishments of students who demonstrate extraordinary athletic ability, we also unite around our shared belief that every member of the team adds value. Character is taking pride in your performance while recognizing the value of others on the team. It is taking pride in whatever value you bring, whether in full view or behind the scenes.


AEC Private SchoolAthletic Opportunities

The availability of the following programs in any given academic year depends upon student interest:

  • Soccer
  • Volleyball
  • Swimming
  • Basketball
  • Baseball
  • Golf
  • Track
  • Tennis
  • Cross Country
  • Flag Football (new)



The Adelson School includes a gymnasium for each school (the Lower School and the Upper School) with a basketball court in each, a 25-meter indoor pool, indoor running track, and an outdoor soccer field with adjacent tennis courts.


Individualized Opportunities for Athletes

If your student demonstrates exceptional talent and is interested in pursuing athletics at the collegiate level, resume-building opportunities are plentiful at Adelson. Faculty-coaches work closely with students to challenge them with training and leadership roles, including team captain, team manager or assistant coach.